Melody asked for my recipe for Microwave Fudge. Here it is!
3/4 cup butter or margarine
3 cups sugar
2/3 cups evaporated milk
microwave these first 3 ingredients for 5 minutes on high
Stir well and microwave again for 5 minutes on high
Stir in:
12 ounces of semi-sweet choc. chips
7 ounces of marshmallow creme
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Mix very well and add 1 cup of chopped walnuts if desired.
Pour into a lightly greased 9 X 13 pan and let cool at room temperature. Makes 3 lbs.
Find someone you really, really like to help you lick the bowl.
so, every day i check this blog and am saddened to find no new content. on the other hand, every day i check this blog and laugh when i imagine you saying "oh, fudge."
an old friend of mine used to say "oh, sugar", until she realized that taking too long to say SSSSSSugar sounded like she was getting ready to say some other s word. George Carlin would say that it is as bad to say the subsitute word as it is to say the word we are avoiding. What hypocrites we humans are. Dogs always say what they mean.
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